Recipes For Sunday Dinner


Rice and Peas Recipes

1 cup red peas
1 lb. rice
2 stalks escallion
2 onion slices
1/2 sprig fresh thyme
1 tsp. salt
1 oz. butter
1/2 tin coconut milk


1. Wash and soak peas in water for at least 2 hours (overnight is better).
2. Place peas in pot with water to boil, do not put much water because coconut milk is to be added.
3. When peas are cooked, add coconut milk and all ingredients. Let it simmer for 15 minutes
4. Wash rice and add to peas, reduce heat and cook slow until water dry down and rice cooked.

  Oxtail and Beans

2 lb (1 kg) oxtail, jointed
1/4 cup oil
5 cups water
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 onions, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 sprig thyme
3 slices hot pepper
salt and black pepper
1/2 lb. cooked broad beans


Wash and dry the pieces of oxtail and brown them in oil. Add 4 cups of water, bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer until the oxtail is tender, adding more water if necessary. Reduce the sauce to a thick gravy by increasing the heat, then add the tomatoes, onions, garlic, thyme, hot pepper, salt and black pepper. Stir for a few minutes, then add the remaining water and the broad beans. Mix them in, lower the heat, cover again, and simmer for 10 minutes or until the water evaporates leaving a thick gravy. Serve with rice and peas. Enough for 4.

Cooking Tips

Another way of preparing the oxtail is to boil it until tender, and then add the seasonings. Excess liquid is removed by rapid boiling. This second method of preparation gives a less thick, rich sauce, but is perhaps less fattening. 


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