Corn & Bean Casserole
1 tin whole corn
1 tin butter beans
1 ½ lb. butter
4 medium tomatoes
3 ½ tbs. chopped onion
1 egg white
3 ½ tbs. mayonnaise
2 ½ ozs. fresh breadcrumbs
1/2 tsp. paprika
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp minced parsley
Rasher of bacon
Drain corn and beans. Mix together. Put in a buttered casserole.
Skin tomatoes and cut them into thick slices. Arrange slices on top corn and beans.
Top with chopped onion. Dot with butter. Sprinkle on salt and pepper to taste.
Cut up bacon into 3/8 inch width. Arrange bacon over onion.
Bake in moderate oven 20 minutes. Blend together mayonnaise,
breadcrumbs, paprika. Beat egg white until stiff and fold into mayonnaise mixture.
Scoop on top bacon and sprinkle on parsley.
Return to oven and bake until egg mixture is firm and browned slightly on top.
Serves 4 persons.

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